ISPWizard Dialer - Notification Feature

The notification feature of the ISPWizard Dialer can be used to keep your users informed of many things:

The notification feature has 2 modes of operation - Basic and Advanced:

Basic Mode:

In basic mode, the software does a HTTP HEAD request for the specified URL.  Generally, this would be used with a static html page - if the software detects that the page has been updated - via the Last-Modified HTTP header line, it will automatically launch the URL in the default browser.  It is possible to use variables and a CGI script so that the user is shown a different page depending on their username.

Examples: Static HTML page common to all users. Static HTML page based on username - %u is automatically replaced by the username. CGI script which redirects to a static HTML page based on the username.

Please keep in mind the lack of security involved with the above examples - ideally, the CGI script should check that the request is coming from the correct IP address for the logged in user.

Advanced Mode:

In advanced mode, the software does a HTTP POST request to the specified URL - the same as if it was sent by a normal HTML form.  The data sent in the request is as follows:
USERNAME The full username used to connect to the Internet, including any prefix and/or suffix.
BASEUSERNAME The base username - without any prefix or suffix.
PASSWORD If selected, the password will be sent, either in plain text or as an MD5 hash.
SOFTWAREVERSION Version number of the ISPWizard Dialer software.
CONFIGURATIONVERSION Configuration version number - as set under Advanced->Help->Config Version
BUILDTIMESTAMP Unix timestamp representing the time that the build was created.
NUMBERDIALED The actual number dialed to connect to the Internet.
ACCESSNO The access number entry currently selected.
WINDOWSVERSION The Windows version as a string - e.g. Windows XP
WINDOWSVERSIONNUMBER The Windows version as a number - e.g. 5.1.2600
WINDOWSSERVICEPACK String representing the currently installed service pack, if any - e.g. Service Pack 1
MODEMNAME The name of the modem used to connect to the Internet
CONNECTIONSPEED The connection speed reported by Windows.

In return, the software expects a list of commands (one per line) which it will then execute:
LAUNCHURL The specified URL will be launched in the default browser.
MESSAGETITLE Specify a title for one of the following commands:
MESSAGE Show a normal MessageBox to the user - the MessageBox will appear above all windows and will remain until the user clicks the OK button.
MESSAGEOKCANCEL Similar to the above, except the user can click Cancel instead.  If the user clicks the Cancel button, the next command will be skipped.
MESSAGEYESNO Similar to the above, except the choices are either Yes, or No.  If the user clicks No, the next command will be skipped.
:LABEL Labels are created by inserting a colon ":" in front of a label name - e.g. :end
GOTO Causes execution to jump to the specified label and continue from there - e.g. goto end
HANGUP Causes the Dialer to hangup, as if the user had clicked the Hangup button.
TIMELEFT Used to display a countdown timer on the Dialer status window to show how much time the user has left online - specify the time in seconds - e.g. timeleft 3600 - shows a countdown timer starting at 60 minutes.
HANGUPONTIMEOUT If this command is given, the dialer will automatically disconnect when the above timer reaches no time left.  It can be disabled again later with HANGUPONTIMEOUT OFF
TIMEBETWEENCHECKS Allows you to override the amount of time (in seconds) between notification checks.  If you specify 0, no further checks will be made, otherwise, there is a minimum of 60 seconds between checks.
NEWUSERNAME Changes the current username to that specified.  Do not include any username prefix or suffix.
NEWPASSWORD Changes the current password to that specified.
NEWACCESSNO Changes the default access number to that specified - needs to be in the same format as used for the access number list.


Simple MessageBox shown to the user:

MessageTitle Account Overdue
Message Your Account is now overdue - please make your payment as soon as possible!
A MessageBox asks the user if they would like to go directly to your web site to make a payment?
MessageTitle Account Overdue
MessageYesNo Your Account is now overdue - Would you like to make a payment now?
A MessageBox asks the user if they would like to go directly to your web site to make a payment? If the user clicks No, they are disconnected:
MessageTitle Account Overdue
MessageYesNo Your Account is now overdue - Would you like to make a payment now?
goto launchurl
goto end
Update the users details and then inform them:
NewUsername jbloggs
NewPassword newpass
NewAccessNo "Description",1,"234","567 8901"
MessageTitle Details Changed
Message Your settings have been updated!


ISPWizard - Internet Setup Program Wizard